June Meeting and Volunteer Opportunity

Our next meeting will be in person on June 4th at 10:00 a.m. at Van Block. Our speaker this month will be Kitty Cooper who will give a talk on DNA. For those that cannot join us live, the Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82219373038?pwd=IhTYyLa64EV9g8yLFDQW4HgYNooqs0.1

Following the meeting there is a volunteer opportunity (New Haven Court Records) for all that would like to assist. We have fun and have uncovered several interesting documents. Please join us and feel free to bring your lunch!

May Meeting and Volunteer Opportunity

Our next meeting will be in person on May 7th at 7:00 p.m. via ZOOM. The link will be forwarded prior to the meeting.

Our next volunteer opportunity (New Haven Court Records) will be on May 7th at 10:00 a.m. at Van Block. We have fun and have uncovered several interesting documents. Please join us and feel free to bring your lunch!

UPDATE to April Meeting Notice!

NOTE: Our April Business Meeting has been changed to Tuesday March 26th at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82430545659?pwd=a3B3WkpwQkRSSWJRL1pab3FtSE05Zz09

We will continue to have our in person outing on April 2nd at 10:00 beginning at the Old State House in Hartford. A Google Form has been sent out. Please complete it either way so we can let them know how many of us to expect.

10:00 a.m. – Tour of Old State House
11:00 a.m. – Mini-Meeting and Lunch at the Old State House (Bring Your Own – NO PEANUTS)
12:00 p.m. – Tour of the Ancient Burying Ground, with Christine Jewell, the coordinator of the Ancient Burying Ground Association and 1636 Heritage Partnership, Inc.

Our volunteer opportunity (New Haven Court Records) this month will be on March 26th at 10:00 a.m. We have fun and have uncovered several interesting documents, Please join us and feel free to bring your lunch!


April Meeting and Volunteer Opportunity

Our next meeting will be in person on April 2nd at 10:00 beginning at the Old State House in Hartford. A Google Form has been sent out. Please complete it either way so we can let them know how many of us to expect.

10:00 a.m. – Tour of Old State House
11:00 a.m. – Mini-Meeting and Lunch at the Old State House (Bring Your Own – NO PEANUTS)
12:00 p.m. – Tour of the Ancient Burying Ground, with Christine Jewell, the coordinator of the Ancient Burying Ground Association and 1636 Heritage Partnership, Inc.

Our volunteer opportunity (New Haven Court Records) this month will be on March 26th at 10:00 a.m. We have fun and have uncovered several interesting documents, Please join us and feel free to bring your lunch!


March Meeting and Volunteer Opportunity

Our next meeting will be in person on March 5th at 10:00 a.m. at 75 Van Block, CSL’s archive facility in Hartford. The topic will be self-publishing. We have several members who are authors who will be sharing their experiences. If you have a publication you would like to share, please bring it with you.
A Zoom link sent for members who are not able to attend in person.

Our volunteer opportunity (New Haven Court Records) this month will also be on March 5th immediately following the meeting. We have fun and have uncovered several interesting documents, Please join us and feel free to bring your lunch!

December 2023 Meeting and Volunteer Opportunity

When: Tuesday, December 5th 2023 at 10 a.m.
Where: 75 Van Block in Hartford
This meeting will be broadcast via Zoom for our members that cannot attend in Hartford. An email has been sent to the listserv with the meeting id and password.

Mel Smith will be providing an update on what is new this year at the Connecticut State Library with Allen and Susan assisting. Following the presentation we will have our regular business meeting. Anyone wishing to volunteer following the meeting to unfold New Haven Court records, we would love to have you join us.

Reminder for those that wish to do research at the main library following the meeting, the hours are 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.


November: Annual Meeting Notice and November Volunteer Opportunity

7 November – Volunteer opportunity at Van Block facility at 10:00 a.m. Kathryn Black and Alison Watson Maston plan to attend. Let them know if you will join them!
    14 November CPGC Annual Meeting and Potluck at 10:00 a.m. at the Van Block facility. Elections will be held during the business meeting. The program will be “Family History Show & Tell” so please bring an object, picture, document, or story that you would like to briefly share with the group. Jennifer will bring paper goods and utensils (Eating utensils will be provided. If your item needs a serving utensil, please bring it.) Members are welcome to bring something to share but please, no peanut productsWould someone like to plan to bring drinks? We would like to invite the library staff and the Bucks to join us but please don’t feel obligated to bring anything–we appreciate you!  For questions, please email president@ctprofgen.org.