7 November – Volunteer opportunity at Van Block facility at 10:00 a.m. Kathryn Black and Alison Watson Maston plan to attend. Let them know if you will join them!
14 November – CPGC Annual Meeting and Potluck at 10:00 a.m. at the Van Block facility. Elections will be held during the business meeting. The program will be “Family History Show & Tell” so please bring an object, picture, document, or story that you would like to briefly share with the group. Jennifer will bring paper goods and utensils (Eating utensils will be provided. If your item needs a serving utensil, please bring it.) Members are welcome to bring something to share but please, no peanut products. Would someone like to plan to bring drinks? We would like to invite the library staff and the Bucks to join us but please don’t feel obligated to bring anything–we appreciate you! For questions, please email president@ctprofgen.org.